
Introducing Spring’s Strategies

Generation Strategies

Generation Cautious GBP

Generation Moderate GBP

Generation Progressive GBP

Preservation Defensive GBP

Preservation Balanced GBP

Preservation Growth GBP

Preservation Strategies EUR

Preservation Defensive EUR

Preservation Balanced EUR

Preservation Growth EUR

Preservation Strategies USD


Preservation Defensive USD

Preservation Balanced USD

Preservation Growth USD

Model returns are calculated using the most appropriate share classes of the underlying funds, having regard to the illustrative nature of the report. As a result, real portfolio performance may vary from model performance. Where model portfolio histories are shorter than three years, historic model returns are substituted prior to the inception date with the following: GBP model portfolios: returns from a similar Collidr managed portfolio; USD and EUR model portfolios: back test data using the portfolios at inception following the historic GBP rebalance schedule. The performance is shown net of the underlying portfolio ongoing charges and an annual discretionary management charge of 0.30% (30 basis points).

Preservation Strategies GBP